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Year 3 & 4

Welcome to Year 3 & 4

In English, our key texts include The Dot by Peter H Reynolds and Mrs Noah’s Pockets by Jackie Morris and James Mayhew. We will be writing stories, scripts, poems and diary entries, working on developing our understanding of writing for different purposes and developing the key grammar skills required in Year 3 and 4.

In maths, we start the term by deepening our knowledge of addition, subtraction, multiplication and division, moving on to formal written methods.. Later in the term we learn how to calculate the area of rectilinear shapes, extend our knowledge of fractions and introduce decimals.

Our history topic in the first half term is Ancient Egypt. We will discuss what it was like to live 500 years ago whilst studying a range of artefacts. After half term we will have a geography focus and will be studying Rivers! We will study features of a river and discuss the question ‘Where would you choose to build a city?’

In science, we will study Rocks and soils (Year 3) and Sound (Year 4) with hands-on experience within both areas.

We study Christianity and Hinduism in RE and will be discussing the key questions, ‘What is it like for someone to follow God? ’ and ‘What does it mean to be Hindu in Britain today?’

In addition, we will; learn how to create our own games in computing using algorithms, create our own ancient Egyptian death masks in design technology, understand musical structures in music, learn phonics and key phrases in French and discuss and celebrate our differences in PSHE.

This year our PE slot will be on a Tuesday. Please remember that all children will have homework set online (Century, EdShed and on TTRS), reading (5 times a week!) and will also need to complete written spellings.

For more detail take a look at our knowledge organisers on the website or please get in touch via ClassDojo if you have any questions

Knowledge Organisers

Please click the buttons below to access this terms Knowledge Organiser.